A nice group of supporters joined Jim Stafford and his family at the Northwest Ballfields last Saturday to hear his announcement to run for the District #2 Commission seat. Many followers of this blog might know Jim already as he is the owner and operator of Talk.com, Inc., which is home of the Lake Worth Talk discussion board. It's also the means by which I do my Truth Matters show. Jim, Gina, J.R. and Vincent are good friends of mine and, as previewed before here, I will be his campaign manager. I am sure that as you get to know him better, working up to the November election, you will find him to be an intelligent and compassionate individual who knows and loves our community.
If you grab tomorrow's Lake Worth Herald, you will see Jim on the front page along with an accompanying article. Below is what was sent to the Herald as a description of what happened on Saturday.
Jim has also started a campaign website with some of his positions and more information on his background. This will be continually added to throughout the campaign, so check the website frequently. You can access it by clicking here.
"Public parks are one of Lake Worth's greatest public resources" - Jim Stafford, Candidate for City Commissioner, District #2
Jim Stafford said, "What does it say about the City and the value that we place on the importance of our young that we would allow our parks to be so poorly maintained? That's why I chose to announce my candidacy for the District #2 Commission seat at the Northwest Ballfields. My family and I live two blocks away from this park - it's essentially in my backyard. I want to shine a spotlight on some of the dangerous and blighted conditions we have allowed to persist. I am disappointed that the current District #2 Commissioner and the City's administration have not addressed these issues. This is one of the major reasons why I decided to run."
Jim Stafford and a group of his supporters took pictures of the conditions on Saturday that will be released in a multimedia format later in the week.
Political Advertisement Paid for and Approved by Jim Stafford for City Commissioner, District #2
Here are a few pictures that we took as we toured the facilities. Some of the conditions amount to "attractive nuisances" for which the City is responsible and, ultimately if there is an injury or worse, liable. Again, expect a You Tube style video showing more of the ballfield's blighted conditions. Expect more video releases spotlighting other critical City issues leading up to the big day!