Wednesday, April 4, 2007

City Commission Goals Formulation...

The City of Lake Worth has commissioned Dr. Ralph Lewis to assist in the development of Commission goals for the period 2007-2012. These goals will be based on input from citizens, professional staff, and elected officials and identifies: 1) strategic service areas, 2) goals, 3) measures and/or Milestones, 4) strategic initiatives.

The Commission goals will enable the City Commission to identify service areas for the City; prioritize major initiatives; effectively allocate human, financial and capital resources; select goal-specific strategic initiatives to support your major policies and ongoing operations.

Public Forums will be facilitated by Dr. Lewis to allow participants to provide input concerning their priorities concerning: quality of life factors that they view important, priorities for government functions and services, and their vision for the City of Lake Worth in the year 2012.
Public Forum dates are: Many of us received this message from the City. The dates originally proposed had the public forums beginning next week. At last night's Commission Meeting it was decided to postpone this to a time after the new City Manager is hired and in place. The best guess for when this will be is the middle to later part of May, 2007. I'll be sure and let you know what the new dates, times and places will be.

Dr. Lewis is a retired member of the Public Administration faculty at Florida International University with extensive experience in strategic planning and management.