Friday, July 28, 2006
Update - Lago Valare S/W corner of Palm Way and Lake
I'd like to give you an up-date on this project. I have posted twice before on this and now I really think we are getting somewhere. I'd like your opinion too.
In between everything else going on this week, we had time to meet with the developer and architect on Wednesday. The two versions here are the result of a lot of work on the behalf of staff and the applicant's architect. They will present these at our meeting on August 2nd for information only. They will appear on the PZHRPB agenda for a final decision at our August 16th meeting.
I happen to prefer Option 1 (above) - the one with the more plain roof treatment along Palm Way. The vertical treatment along the northern (Lake Avenue) facade designates the entry to the building and helps with breaking up the facade with a little more visual interest. I think the gable roofs over the other balconies are not needed.