Wednesday, December 20, 2017

A month later and still nothing in the press about “gunshot detection technology”?

From Wikipedia: “A gunfire locator or gunshot detection system is a system that detects and conveys [in real time] the location of gunfire or other weapon fire using acoustic, optical, or potentially other types of sensors, as well as a combination of such sensors. . . . Systems used in urban settings integrate a geographic information system so the display includes a map and address location of each incident.”

The topic of  “gunshot detection technology” came up once again after this editorial in the Post datelined November 11th: titled, “Unacceptable rise in WPB homicides requires quicker action”:

“The death toll understates the violence. As charted by Post reporter Olivia Hitchcock, gunfire has injured 12 people as well as killed two, just since Oct. 20. The mayhem has resulted in only two arrests. [emphasis added]
     The shootings stem from the drug trade, sure, but for other, depressingly mundane reasons as well: a domestic dispute, an insult. Minor provocations that used to prompt a fistfight now end in semi-automatic fire.
     It’s clear that there are too many guns around and too little sense.”

To read the entire blog post from Nov. 17th click on this link for an idea that might deserve some consideration:

Instead of looking at gun violence and shootings as a “Lake Worth problem” or a “West Palm Beach problem” could the solution be Lake Worth’s District 14 PBSO and the West Palm Beach Police Dept. working together and collaborating to acquire gunshot detection technology to help solve a regional problem here in Palm Beach County?