Monday, February 23, 2015

The Self-Described "Constitution Lady" Goes Screwball on a Lake Worth Festival Volunteer

Before I get to the screwball, a little about the little City of Lake Worth Street Painting Festival and how the volunteers fit into the scheme of things: Without the volunteers there would be no Street Painting Festival. Period. 

I did my part, promoting the event and even hosting for the shuttle bringing guests into our wonderful city. It was an honor. If I wrote a list of people I know, personally, who volunteered I could name 50 people, at least. From the bottom of my heart I thank you all so very much.

Then there are the others—the naysayers like the "Constitution Lady" Squires and The Other Blogger (TOB) who focus on nothing but the bad and try to bring everybody down. (Can you imagine a life like that?) 

The myth that is perpetuated is the Street Painting Festival is "stealing" money from local bars and restaurants. Tell that to the folks at the Dave's Last Resort or the Igot's Martiki Bar. They were packed. All day long. 

Now for the rambling, nonsense rant that was sent to Mr. Waples II:
To accept Squires' premise, you have to believe life is a zero-sum existence. If you get something then I lose something and vice versa. You can't possibly be more narrow-minded than that. 

Thank you again, volunteers, for all your hard work and dedication to our little City of Lake Worth!