Thursday, August 27, 2020

Gulfstream Hotel Presentation with Bryant Park Neighborhood Association

More on this later. Please ask questions in the comments in the meantime. This was a Zoom meeting, facilitated by the Neighborhood Association Presidents Council (thanks Ryan Oblander). About 20-30 people attended this virtual meeting where the prospective purchasers of the Gulfstream Hotel property answered questions and shared some details about the plans for the project.

There are still some loose ends on financing, but as posted previously, the Lake Worth Beach CRA made a major commitment to the project and its August 11th meeting. Both principals of the company May and Amrit Gil participated in the meeting. You will hear what directed their design choices, the timeline for the project and how much parking will be provided by the redevelopment.

Watch the video - it's not very long. And, for now, leave questions in the comments section. Thanks!