Thursday, January 16, 2020

National Trust for Historic Preservation.

PastForward 2020: National Preservation Conference

About PastForward 2020,

PastForward, the National Preservation Conference, brings together a community of professionals and volunteers passionate about saving places, creating an unmatched opportunity to network, learn, and be inspired. The next conference will be held October 28–30, 2020, at the Hyatt Regency in Miami, Florida.

For more information about this year’s conference click on this link. One of the awards this year is the Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence:

The Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence recognizes a nonprofit organization, large or small, that has demonstrated sustained and superlative achievement in historic preservation. Award winners will be honored at the 2020 PastForward Conference in Miami, Florida.

Please note: Nominations for the Trustees’ Award for Organizational Excellence will be accepted through February 3, 2020.