Saturday, January 4, 2020

Deep Green Resistance (DGR) takes an alternate view on “Green” energy.

Please Note. The video below may be disturbing for some viewers. You’ve been warned.

Very important: The following blog post is not an endorsement for DGR or for tactics such as “Decisive Ecological Warfare”. But for many of the public in places like Palm Beach County searching for new ideas, disturbed by western sprawl, and disappointed with the leaderless and languishing environmentalist community in South Florida then DGR may be what you are looking for.

One of the more outspoken members of DGR is Lierre Keith and over the years she has drawn a tremendous amount of traffic to this blog. Why? Perhaps because within the “radical space” Keith is a most unwelcome voice.

Once again, some may find the
video below very disturbing.

Others may find it provocative. Draw your own conclusions. The video was first posted on this blog in 2014 and many times since. At the 54 second mark in the video a member of DGR says:

“Today we’re going to introduce you to some ideas that you’re probably familiar with as environmentalists. But we might also be talking about some things that are surprising or even shocking to some of you.

Two members [Max Wilbert and Cameron Foley] of Deep Green Resistance talk about green energy alternatives that have created unintended consequences, for example, they mention 1.2 million Tibetans forced to work in Chinese mines, massive strip mining operations all over the planet, pollution, toxic runoff, and enormous amounts of greenhouse gases produced by heavy-duty hauling and digging equipment and the machinery used for mining in the search for rare earth metals, copper, and for the production of steel, and bird deaths at California’s Ivanpah concentrated solar field project. Mr. Wilbert says in the video below,

There is no way to produce industrial technology without industrial devastation. Green technology requires global trade, global exploitation, global destruction of the land, air and the water. You just can’t do it any other way. It’s impossible.

Wilbert and Foley take a sobering view of modern-day environmentalism and call out some groups by name, including the Sierra Club. Although they don’t mention the Anarchist community (EarthFirst!) here in the City of Lake Worth by name, they do talk about their failed pipeline protest in Texas at the 44:00 mark and question whether protesting is getting results or just draining money and resources from other environmental causes.

Once again, Max Wilbert from DGR says in the video:

“. . . we might also be talking about some things that are surprising or even shocking to some of you.”

End of discussion about DGR and solar energy. Very interesting is it not? Has it changed your view of solar energy?