Thursday, May 30, 2019

LWB Summer Camp 2019: $500 for eight weeks of fun, ages 6–16.

Now accepting registrations for “Hello Summer, Summer Camp 2019”.

Summer Camp location is the Norman J. Wimbley Gym and Osborne Center located at 1515 Wingfield St. Registration ends on June 6th. Summer Camp is from June 10th through August 2nd from 8:00 a.m.–6:00 p.m. Camp is for freshman (ages 6–8), sophomore (9–10), junior (11–12) and seniors (13–16).

Register at either of these two locations:

Norman J. Wimbley Gymnasium after 4:00 p.m. (call 561-540-5133) or visit the office of Leisure Services at 501 Lake Ave. (561-260-7593).

For more activities offered by the City including flag football, Pickleball, youth soccer, baseball, basketball and football, the Senior Club and Horseshoe Pitchers Club or how to become a volunteer coach call one of the numbers above and leave a message or stop by and visit the Osborne Center or go downtown and visit 501 Lake.