Saturday, October 5, 2019

Paper towels are expensive. Recycling tip #47: How to use newsprint instead!

What is newsprint?

Newsprint is a “cheap, low-quality, absorbent printing paper made from coarse wood pulp and used chiefly for newspapers.” For example, see tabloid newsprint below.

Don’t just throw newsprint away.
Use old newsprint to clean windows on the cheap!

This former un-‘Worthy’ tabloid once littered the streets
of Lake Worth Beach. But now it has value. . .

Click on image to enlarge:

To clean windows using newsprint you need a newspaper and a spray bottle with this mixture:
2 cups of water, ¼ cup of vinegar (unflavored),
and ½ teaspoon of liquid detergent, e.g.,
Palmolive® works exceptionally well.

Stay tuned for recycling tip #48:
How to re-purpose those plastic straws!