“Hmmm. You know, Mabel. I’ve been thinking about becoming a City volunteer. But how do I go about doing that?”
Great Question!
There are several ways to become a volunteer for this City. One way is to just show up at a volunteer board meeting like the Library Board meeting tonight. Or you can click on this link to contact Olivia Brown, the City’s volunteer coordinator, or send an email to: obrown@lakeworth.org |
Below is the agenda for the Library Advisory Board meeting being held at the City’s Annex Building located at 414 Lake Ave. (on the same block as the Cultural Plaza, east of the Library). The meeting begins at 6:00:
- Roll Call.
- Approval of Minutes.
- Discussion: A) Librarian’s report. B) FY 2018 budget report. C) FY 2018–2019 budget requests. D) Access to library’s electronic resources.
- Public participation of non-agendaed items and Consent Agenda (public comment time limit is three minutes).
- New Business.
- Board Comment.
- Adjourn.