Sunday, March 8, 2020

Hymn of the Good Samaritan. A Christian prayer to inspire and teach.*

From every race and land,

The victim of our day,
Abused and hurt by human hands,
Are wounded on lifes way.

The priest and Levite pass
And find not time to wait.
The pressing claims of living call;
They leave them to their fate.

But one of different faith
To care he felt compelled.
His active love like Jesus’ own
Uplifted, healed and held.

May this example lead,
Inspire and teach us all
That we may find in others’ faith. . .

The God on whom we call.

*From The Interfaith Prayer Book (compiled by Ted Brownstein), expanded 2nd edition (2014), p. 69, a “selection of prayers from six religious traditions: Hindu, Jewish, Buddhist, Christian, Muslim and Bahá’í” [expanded edition includes prayers from native African, native American, Zoroastrian, Taoist, Confucian, Shinto, Jain and Sikh faiths].