Wednesday, April 5, 2017

The Lake Worth City Commission meeting last night.

Use this link to watch the City’s YouTube video of the meeting. Below is a Tweet the City sent out last night prior to the meeting:
Now that the City is putting meetings on YouTube, you can be directed to or find on your own, any particular discussion or debate.

It was quite the pleasure to sit near the back of the chambers and watch everything happen — just like it used to be — prior to Yours Truly taking up the task of videotaping City meetings and putting those videos on my own YouTube channel.

Some of those videos, you may recall, will be remembered for a very long time, for example, this one in particular from a meeting I was not able to attend, but videotaped off a TV screen playing the City’s video of the meeting the very next morning. Does that make sense?

Anyhow, here are some pics from last night:

Click on images to enlarge:
The view from my seat in the chambers last night.

Mayor Pam Triolo giving a City proclamation to our “water professionals”.

Our new City Commission in the New City of Lake Worth.