Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Commissioner Chris McVoy, PhD, DID WHAT at the City Commission meeting last night?

Please note tomorrow's (Thursday, 10/6) City Commission Workshop at the Casino complex is cancelled until further notice.

Check back later today for the latest antics by McVoy at last night's (10/4) meeting. There will be videos as well.

He put his monkeywrenching tactics into overdrive vis-à-vis the upcoming bond vote on November 8th. And we also learned it was McVoy who leaked the email that started all the false rumors about the referendum coming up in 34 days.

By the looks of it, even Commissioner Ryan Maier is getting tired of this behavior:
Attempts to lecture "at great length", "raise the question", "haggle over precise wordings", and use "irrelevant issues as frequently as possible".