If you didn't know the annual Tree Festival is tomorrow in Lake Worth's Cultural Plaza and it's very possible some or all of the homeless who congregate there will be displaced. This should anger the Anarchist candidate, Ryan Hartman, don't you think? He is running for a seat on the City Commission and this would be a great opportunity to promote his platform which is mostly all about the homeless and their rights.
In the video below is the Anarchist with his two-minute public comment at the City Commission on February 2nd:
According to the Anarchists, the homeless take priority over anyone and everyone else in the City of Lake Worth. And don't forget the new ordinance that was passed by the City Commission! What a great way for the Anarchists to register their displeasure especially with all the visitors and tourists coming in to see the festival.
Maybe a TV crew will come in and do a news segment about the Anarchists! Just think, this could be training for other City festivals coming up in the future.