Friday, February 26, 2016

Skylar Swisher on "Palm Beach County commissioners having a cow over 'meatless Monday' proclamation"

The Sun Sentinel's Skylar Swisher (isn't that a cool name?) has this humorous article about a 'proclamation' that may or may not show up on a Palm Beach County Commission agenda. The vegetarians in support of this may want to learn more about vegetarianism from Lierre Keith of Deep Green Resistance, but more on that later. Here are two excerpts from the article:
     Palm Beach County commissioners have a beef with a proclamation to declare Mondays as a day to not eat meat.
     At least four of the commission's seven members have declined to sign a proposed "meatless Monday" proclamation, dimming the chances of the symbolic measure passing.
     Supporters say skipping a burger or steak once a week is a good way to curb obesity, reduce heart disease and slow climate change. But County Commissioner Steven Abrams issued a sizzling criticism of the proclamation, and at least three other commissioners have joined him in refusing to sign it. [emphasis added]
     "The public doesn't need the County Commission to tell them when and what to eat," Abrams said. "Our constituents are smart enough to decide on their own."
[and. . .]
     While Abrams says he's opposed to meatless Mondays, he quipped that he's fully supportive of "ice cream Sundays."
You may be interested in the thoughts of Lierre Keith, the author of the book titled, "The Vegetarian Myth". She is a radical environmentalist, feminist, member of Deep Green Resistance, and an ex-vegan recovering from years of not consuming animal protein.

Also, is it about time there be a proclamation about proclamations on the county and municipal level? The City of Lake Worth goes through these performances repeatedly just to give talking points for some elected officials, like about saving the bee population. If you didn't know, bees are regulated by the state of Florida and Lake Worth cannot trump any law or regulation by the state.