"We at Opera Fusion believe that the genre of opera or 'musical drama' must take on current issues. For our second season we are undertaking an ambitious project: the premiere of Not In My Town, a musical drama in one 90-minute act written by composer Michael W. Ross, based on the events surrounding the death of Matthew Shepard, a young, gay college student who was beaten, tied to a fence, and left to die."
Opera Under the Stars—a fundraiser for South Florida nonprofit Opera
Fusion Inc.—will be hosted by Kimberly and Frederic Boyer on April 4th (more information below).
About Mary Fisher: "She burst into public view with her 'Whisper of AIDS' address at the 1992 Republican Convention, now ranked among the 100 greatest American speeches of the 20th century. An author, artist, and advocate who had previously worked in the White House of President Gerald Ford, Fisher used her speech to call for an end to the stigmatization of AIDS and those infected with HIV."
For further information and contacts, scroll down below the video: DATE: Monday, April 4, 2016 TIME: 6:30 p.m. PLACE: Hampton Green Farm, 13285 Southfields Road, Wellington COST: Individual tickets are $190. Many sponsorship levels are available, which include tickets to the world premiere of the "Not In My Town" opera. INCLUDES: Cocktails, dinner and performances by 10 of Opera Fusion’s singers FOR TABLE SPONSORS AND TICKETS, CONTACT:
Birgit Fioravante at (954) 812-7679, (561) 503-2025, or (copy and paste)birgit@operafusion.org
Carol Carnevale at (561) 307-3115 or (copy and paste)CarnevaleC@bellsouth.net