Friday, February 20, 2015

Proof: Margaret Menge IS NOT a Lake Worth community journalist—she has her own agenda

Today Margaret Menge dropped her latest free 'newspaper' in select neighborhoods in the City. If you don't get distracted by the big headlines and fluff, guess what's missing? One of the most important City events of the entire year:

Mayor Pam Triolo's State of the City Address on Tuesday, February 24th. Margaret Menge didn't mention the State of the City Address by Mayor Pam Triolo, not one single time.

Lake Worth's true community newspaper, The Lake Worth Herald, of course had this event publicized.

Below is the content publicizing Mayor Pam Triolo's State of City Address this coming Tuesday, February 24th from our City's only real community newspaper: The Lake Worth Herald; important news that Margaret Menge doesn't want her readers to know about:
The Honorable Mayor Pam Triolo presents the 

Date: February 24, 2015 (Tuesday)
Location: Lake Worth Casino Ballroom, 10 South Ocean Blvd., Lake Worth, FL
Time: 6:00 PM–8:00 PM
Admission: Free
Parking: Free

Come and listen to the Mayor discuss our current and future progress and meet afterwards with select staff to learn more.

Free parking is available at the Casino and Beach Complex premises starting at 5:30 PM. Seating and parking are provided on a first come first served basis.

If you require any special accommodations, please contact Lauren Bothe at 561-533-7395 or