Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Is spring training in Avenir future? | Northern Palm Beach County

Click title for link to article. Note the line at the end of the excerpt below: "John Prince Park near Lake Worth is considered by many to be too small." Note that John Prince Park has not been completely eliminated yet as the site for spring training baseball! From the article:
There’s talk around county hall that the old Vavrus Ranch, on the western reaches of Palm Beach Gardens, might make a good site for the spring training complex the Houston Astros and Washington Nationals are seeking.
But so far, talk is all it is, according to County Commissioner Hal Valeche and the property owners, Avenir Holdings.
“People have mentioned it to us, that maybe it should go there,” E. Daniel Lopez, a principal of the Coral Gables development firm said Tuesday. “But we have not talked with anybody about it in any serious way.”
The teams have been hard pressed to find a winning site. Palm Beach Gardens ruled out a more easterly property off Central Boulevard; West Palm Beach’s 160-acre site south of 45th Street is under consideration for a mixed-use complex with townhouses instead; and John Prince Park near Lake Worth is considered by many to be too small.