Sunday, September 14, 2014

Commissioner McVoy's "Plan B?" - as reported by the Lake Worth Herald

In a front page story, above the fold, in this weeks Lake Worth Herald was a bombshell article titled, "[Commissioner] McVoy Suggests Raising Millage Rate and Electric Rates To Fund Roadwork"

Some excerpts from the article:

"Commissioner Christopher McVoy Ph.D stated he had been hearing requests from people for traffic calming on many of the city's streets. Without funding available, McVoy suggested there were a couple of ways to fund the road projects. He said Lake Worth could raise the millage rate and increase the electric rates to get the money to do the roadwork." [emphasis added]


"The bond referendum recently voted down by Lake Worth voters was for 63.5 million dollars to fix the infrastructure in Lake Worth on a five year plan. The first phase included about 20 million dollars for roadwork."

[and later...]

"During the debate over the budget, Commissioner Scott Maxwell was talking about Lake Worth Electric rates, when he was elected, being the 'highest on the planet', a figure of speech. Commissioner McVoy said that was not true, taking Maxwell literally. McVoy then said there are countries in the world where they charge 30 cents per kilowatt hour. Asked during a break what country he was referring to he said Italy."[emphasis added]

To read the entire article, more news about Lake Worth, and the enigmatic musings our Lake Worth "Pelican Pete" visit