Seems to me that they should take a month off to cool off a bit. Things got out of hand again last week, this time at the end of the ride. Check out the video made at the time - a little shaky, but it does put you in the midst of chaos. Click title for link.
"The night was going extremely smoothly until towards the end, when some of the individuals who were riding didn't know where to go because [Strack, Critical Mass leader Ray Strack] decided to change the route of the ride without telling anyone," says Fort Lauderdale Police Detective DeAnna Greenlaw. "That's when he got into an altercation with an officer."
According to a probable-cause form, the motorcycle cop leading the escort became confused when Strack and two other cyclists rode far ahead of the group.
"I rode forward to contact them, but I was immediately met with resistance when I told them to stop," the report by Hector Martinez says. "Seeing [Strack's] reaction, I turned around and notified lead motor sergeant to resume the ride over the bridge and head west to the preplanned route."