Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Major League Spring Baseball

To help the struggling communities in central Palm Beach County, revive/reinvent a county park, and increase potential and opportunities for our citizens and business owners...it's that simple. Please call the PB County Commissioners and tell them YES on John Price Park as a site for national baseball teams.

Steve Abrams - sabrams@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2204

Priscilla Taylor - ptaylor@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2207

Shelley Vana - svana@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2203

Paulette Burdick - pburdick@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2202

Jess Santamaria - JSantama@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-6300

Mary Lou Berger - MBerger@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2205

Hal Valeche - hvaleche@pbcgov.org - (561) 355-2201