Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Palm Beach County officials to meet Thursday with Houston...

Click title for link to Palm Beach Post story on the hunt for a spring training location for the major league team Houston Astros. Here some of the details of the meeting and the potential John Prince Park location is mentioned.
One source said Nationals principal owner Mark Lerner was believed to be attending, although that could not be immediately confirmed. The meeting will take place near Kissimmee, where the Astros have a spring training complex.
The purpose of the meeting is “to have an open dialogue and try to find out what the teams are looking for,’’ said Assistant County Administrator Verdenia Baker.
Audrey Wolf, the county’s Facilities Development & Operations director, and Ross Hering, the county’s Real Estate Management director, will represent the county. Baker said she will try to attend, too, if she can finish meetings she has today in Tallahassee.
Crane told reporters on Tuesday that he expected the county to discuss at least three potential sites. One of those sites will be John Prince Park just west of Lake Worth, although it is not clear whether the teams or the county, which owns the land, consider that a viable site.
They also include snippet from the meeting where Mel and Vinnie lead the Commission meeting crowd with a rousing version of Take Me Out to the Ballgame. You'll be able to see it shortly on one of my videos too.