Wednesday, August 28, 2013

You will be pleased to know....

...that our former City Commissioner Suzanne Mulvehill has resurfaced! This time she is Managing Director of Miami Tropical Plants. Of course, she is using her "international trade and business expertise" with her experience of being raised in the horticultural industry. As you can tell from the following text on the home page, she also is tapping in to her extensive geographic knowledge base by noting that the family's 45 acre farm is in Delray Beach "which is near Miami."
Next, you will also be pleased to know that the "Plant of the Week" is the Schefflera.

You may not realize this, but the Schefflera is one of Palm Beach County's nine prohibited invasive plant species. So it seems that our former City Commissioner found her passion selling and shipping invasive plants around the world. Good luck Suzanne!