Friday, August 3, 2012

Florida Green Energy Works - Chat with Erin Deady 08/03 by High Noon in Lake Worth | Blog Talk Radio

Exciting day today!  Join us for the inaugural broadcast of High Noon in Lake Worth, hosted by yours truly.  Click title for link to the show - live at 12 p.m. today, August 3rd.  The link will also work after the live show, so you can still catch the information from the archived show.

Erin Deady will be joining me to talk about the Florida Green Energy Works.  This item appears on the City Commission's agenda of August 7th - as item 5(b) under Presentations.

Handy links to refer to during the show include the PowerPoint presentation that will be used next Tuesday.  Click here for a set of typical agreements municipalities enter into to be part of the program.

The show has a call-in feature, but of course, only active during the live show.  You can call in your questions at this number:  646 716 9545.  You can also leave your questions under the comments section below this post.

Wish me luck as we launch on our maiden voyage!