Commissioner Mulvehill reaches for this source in response to a question on whether residential land contributes more revenue or takes more revenue from a community's tax base. The Commissioner responds thusly:
This morning it was asked of me if the new residental development will cost the tax payers more money. The answer - is yes. In the attached Cost of Community Services study you will see a graph that shows that for every dollar raised in taxes, it will cost $1.15 to provide the services. uses.
Well, o.k. - Suzanne can read a chart. But, what she seems not to be able to read is that the document's source is the American Farmland Trust - Farmland Information Center. The article that said "graph" deals with concerns rural and suburban communities facing growth pressures. The comparison is made between commercial /industrial land and "working and open" land - it is not set in an urban context which is what Lake Worth is - not fallow land under pressure of subdivision for single family housing.
I am sure that the Commissioner and her "team" will continue to use misleading and irrelevant material to bolster other spurious claims. There should be a law against cluelessness. Can we put that on the ballot?