TRNA ELECTIONS - I wanted to let everyone know that the Tropical Ridge Neighborhood Association has a brand new President, Robert Elliott & Vice-President, Steffanie Mayo. Both Bob & Steffanie have been active members of the Association, participating in numerous clean-ups and fundraisers. We greatly appreciate them stepping up to serve as Officers for the Association. Congratulations to you both! We would also like to thank Ryan Anderson for his past three years of service as a TRNA Officer. Due to a scheduling conflict, Ryan Anderson will continue to serve as the TRNA liaison to the Neighborhood Association Presidents' Council (NAPC).
SHUFFLEBOARD COURTS - This upcoming Wednesday, January 25th from 6 - 8pm there will be a Community Meeting at the Lake Worth Shuffleboard Court. The City's Recreation Department will be soliciting feedback from residents on what they envision as the future of the Shuffleboard Courts. At our last meeting, their was unanimous consent among the membership present to support the following:
1. The preservation of some of the existing shuffleboard courts.
2. For the City to relocate the Lake Worth Museum to the building, with volunteers and oversight conducted by the Recreation Advisory Board.
We urge all of you to attend the meeting and to voice your opinion on the future of the building & the courts.
CRA/NSP II UPDATE - On January 10th, President Bob attended the CRA meeting for an update on the NSP II grant. Here is his report: "Total expenditures thus far $8.2 million, 35% of total, need to spend 50% by 2/11. They are prepaying expenditures that are known on current projects, pre-buying materials known to be needed for construction, with future delivery orders, and they are investigating boundaries on pre-purchasing items for the lofts. Lofts are approved, permits are the next step, hoping to break ground by summer at the latest. 88 parcels have been purchased to date which represent 92 residential properties. There are 10 land purchases that will be banked to use later. 8 rehabs are completed at this time, 2 families have moved in, there are 21 properties assigned. They expect to have three additional properties completed this week. 30 properties will be substantially completed within 60 days. There are a total of 58 units in progress at this time."
TRNA CLEANUP - The next TRNA meeting is on Monday, February 6th @ 7pm at Compass. We would like to schedule a clean-up for the following Saturday, February 11th. The Association is going to target empty, abandoned lots for mowing. If you have suggestions on lots to target, please email me the location - FYI, the Association has a mower and weedeater, but would greatly appreciate if anyone could volunteer some additional equipment for a few hours. We look forward to a record-setting turnout :)