Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Officer K. Tucker-Carsillo Crime Prevention Unit West Palm Beach Police Dept

If you have statues that have been stolen, please call and make a report. If it's happening here, it is happening in neighboring cities. Knowing how far reaching it is can be helpful in solving these thefts. 

It appears as though there has been an increase in the number of statue thefts in the Southend. I have received several reports and was advised that there are several unreported thefts of lawn statues and other metal statue's in people's yards. Some of the victim's may not be making police reports but never the less they are still victim's of these theft's. Several people aren't documenting these incidents being that they feel as though the items are impossible to locate once stolen. These have consisted of cement Lions, large bronze figures, decorative pots and other misc. statues that all seem to be fairly heavy. Most of these items cannot be lifted by a single person so more than likely there a several men with a pick-up committing these crimes. These items are difficult to locate unless the victims locate them online or elsewhere. Just FYI for those working in the Southend if you do observe someone with those types of statues in the bed of their truck please get a name and tag. 

Note:  The "Southend" he refers to is West Palm Beach.  Here in the north end of Lake Worth, a neighbor reported a similar crime last week.  See previous post.