To many who witnessed the event, it appeared that the decision was made outside of and prior to the Commission meeting, under the direction of vice mayor Scott Maxwell. Newly elected commissioner Andy Amoroso immediately seconded Maxwell's motion to fire Stanton and when asked for his reason, his response was "My motion is reason enough."
Even those who dislike or disagreed with Stanton should question a decison that will cost the city $125,000 for breaking her contract plus the expense and time of finding a new city manager. At no point in the meeting was the cost of the decision even discussed.
Is this a sign of things to come? We need to support Commissioners McVoy and Mulvehill and let the Maxwell Cabal know that at the very least, they must put such decisions on the agenda and allow for public input. The citizens of Lake Worth deserve no less.
Please join us on Tuesday Dec. 13, 5:30 pm at City Hall to show the new commission we are paying attention!
We hope to see you there!