Date: Thu, Oct 6, 2011 at 2:55 PM
Subject: Re: FW: For Your Information
To: "Howard, Willie (CMG-WestPalm)" <>
Hello Willie,
I’m taken aback by the statements made by Mrs. Waterman in this email. Thank you for sharing it with me as it’s the only confirmation I’ve received for her attendance to the NAPC debate on October 24th.
The statements made by Mrs. Waterman regarding TRNA leadership failing to create an objective environment and preventing abusive behaviors are wildly inappropriate! It seems as if Mrs. Waterman cannot differentiate a personal attack from an embarrassing truth. When running for public office it’s common knowledge that facts about your past will be publically discussed. Mr. Zacks, candidate for Lake Worth Mayor, presented some information about Mrs. Waterman in a fashion that he deemed appropriate. This information was presented during his opening and closing statements. While the exchange between our mayoral candidates was lively I don’t feel that it was the duty of the Association’s leadership to censor any candidate. Allowing Mr. Zacks to express himself does not mean that the TRNA condones or agrees with his statements. Rather, the TRNA is allowing candidates to present themselves to the voters in a way they choose appropriate. In my opinion, the way that candidates communicate with constituents during political campaigns is half of the reason they get elected, the other half being their platform. If I were to change the communication dynamic, especially during opening or closing statements, I would have been showing bias.
Moreover, if Mrs. Waterman has decided not to attend forums “until such time that the neighborhood association leadership, organizers and moderators can appropriately facilitate forums with decorum and propriety,” it makes me wonder why she has agreed to attend the NAPC debate. Mrs. Waterman is aware that the Presidents’ Council is an independent organization made up of the leaders of each Lake Worth Neighborhood Association that she’s libeling in her email to the Palm Beach Post. The only difference is that there will be a larger audience. Unfortunately, Mrs. Waterman’s email has spurred the Council’s desire to revisit the status of her invitation to this debate. Personally I feel that it would be a shame not to have her in attendance but statements such as hers are not taken as lightly by all Council members. I’m hoping the NAPC can determine a course of action by sometime next week.
At the end of the day, Willie, the TRNA set the expectations of our forum by clearly defining the rules and format in the invitation (see attached). It’s a shame that this first time politician of three months has not yet grown a thick enough skin to handle criticism from the public and her opponents in a group setting. I feel terrible that other Association memberships and residents will not have the same opportunity to meet Mrs. Waterman prior to making a decision at the polls on November 8th but take no responsibility for it. I’m proud of what the TRNA accomplished during our October 3rd forum and I look forward to continuing the work that the Tropical Ridge Neighborhood Association has set out to do in our Community.
Ryan Anderson | President | TRNA | 561.706.4976 |