Sunday, May 15, 2011

From the Voice in the Choice Community Meeting - Topic: Impact of City Administration-controlled Police Force group

If Police Chief is hired by City Manager, who would hire the officers?

Chief could be swayed to do or not do things to keep his / her job.

Part Time Commissioners depend upon staff for information.


City will own liability and cost of all functions.. (workman’s comp, insurance, pension etc)

Code enforcement is needed to maintain values, but it is non existant.. How will we pay for the force?

Administration could allow marginalized people not wanted in other cities to gather here.. (drunks, addicts, pedophiles)

If commissioners allow halfway houses, what are odds they will encourage police to aggressively patrol.

Will politics win over public safety?

Resources are not able to match PBSO (Community outreach centers)

Sheriff is able to travel through several towns to chase criminals, municipal cannot.

Will entire force be rookies?