Thursday, March 31, 2011

Illuminating e-mails between City Manager Stanton and others concerning the Cottage...

One initial complaint and response - key quote by City Manager:  "Let me refer it to Capt. Silva. He has told me they are enforcing the ordinance consistent with their procedures. I have a very limited ability to impact this issue and both Capt Silva and I have different opinions on how best this should be done, the tools needed to do the job ...and when it can be totally enforced."

Scheduling special code enforcement for early evenings and weekends.



Sheriff time for spreadsheet and City Manager response:  Silva PBSO:  Attached are the reports requested by the Commissioner. As you suggested, I requested a meeting with Commissioner McVoy to discuss the Noise Ordinance enforcement, in particular against the Cottage, and his request for these reports. I have yet to meet with him, and I am concerned based on your comments below he may have a misimpression of our efforts to enforce the noise ordinance. In addition, I ask that you please inform him ofthe status of the noise meters and citations. Finally, my analyst informed me compiling this report consumed over three and half hours of her time and any future such requests will be evaluated on a case‐by‐case basis.

Stanton:  As you know, this commissioner is a scientist and drinks data like coffee. It is the way he is
wired. I used to expect this type of analysis....from my Police Chief. But, I realize your position
and willingness and ability to provide such inferential statistical analysis and performance data.
I never agreed with this strategy for enforcement for just this reason. I promise not to say "I told
you" least for a while.

Stanton:  "What size eggs are you planning on using...?

Need we point out that the city has greater priorities than this issue to worry about.  What is really going on here?  Click on widget on right to read more and sign the petition.

These exchanges also reflect the negative opinion of the City Manager toward the sheriff department, clearly wanting control over her own police force.