Tuesday, January 4, 2011

!ALERT! Click here for IMPORTANT Add/delete Item for the 1/4 City Commission Meeting

Current CRA Board Member

Current Commissioner for District #3 Jo-Ann Golden

Aerial Shot of CDC building - just south of the Osborne Community Center
This whole issue may be a good one for the new Palm Beach County Inspector General to cut his/her teeth on.  I brought this up here when it was before the City Commission originally and pointed out that the CDC was left out of the analysis of city-owned properties.  And on multiple occasions.  I thought it was glaring omission, especially since, as a result of the analysis, certain organizations were asked to go packing.  Here the CDC has used a city building without a valid lease since 2006 - the time Commissioner Golden has been in office.

In the back-up material, you see a crossed out version of the lease that was returned to the city.  Those items that were crossed out related to maintenance and utility costs - meaning it was the CDC's intent to not be obligated to pay those costs.  Guess who's initials are "LM" on the revised lease?  They are none other than Lynda Mahoney, then CDC Board Chair and former campaign manager for Commissioner Golden.  Strange that the same Lynda Mahoney was then appointed to the Planning and Zoning Board, of which she is its current Chair.  Everything is so nice and COZY, no?

Now, I don't know where the Mayor was during the meetings when the city facilities were discussed - one would assume he would have been in the center chair.  One would also assume he would be alert to what was going on at the meeting.  It's pretty clear from this copy of the report by the city manager that the CDC and building it occupies were not included in the analysis.  Maybe it's true that no one reads the blogs in town, although this blog's readership statistics provide ample evidence of the contrary.  The point here is that I don't think this just dawned on the Mayor and it may be in reaction to something else.

We'll have to see what happens tonight!