Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Genesis Neighborhood Association Meeting - 12/16/10 @ 7 p.m.

Click title for link to agenda.  The location will be the Peniel Haitian Baptist Church, 1110 South A Street. Commissioner Maxwell will be giving an update on city utilities.  Translators will be available for Haitian Creole and Spanish interpretations.  Residents are encouraged to bring a copy of their utility bill if they feel it is unjustly high, residential and commercial customers alike.  It is my understanding a petition related to utilities will be circulated.  The petitions, copies of the bills and any notes/letters residents want to give to the City Commission will be presented by a Genesis representative to be chosen at tomorrow's meeting.  This will likely be done at a January City Commission meeting.

Yours truly will be giving a PowerPoint presentation on the history of planning in Lake Worth.