Thursday, November 18, 2010

Water company wants OK to raise already-high rates

Click title for link to PBP article - notice the picture of former Lake Worth resident, candidate and former chair of the Electric Utility Task Force. From the article:

Lake Osborne residents who use up to 6,000 gallons a month are paying $5.01 per 1,000 gallons, compared with the average of $2.16 per 1,000 gallons per month that residents pay in other nearby communities. Aqua wants to increase its rate to $6.49.

FYI - the rate per thousand gallons for my October bill is $8.10 per thousand. I used a total of 3,100 gallons during last month. This rate, higher than any quoted in the article, is before three more years of scheduled rate increases to fund the Reverse Osmosis plant.  Aqua buys water from Lake Worth and resells it, but that is still lower than what I paid as a small user of water in October.  Where is the outrage?