Saturday, October 16, 2010
From my beach visit yesterday...
I parked in the upper lot, walked to the parking ticket dispenser - the good news is that it was working, sort of. It is now $1.25/hour to park at the beach. I looked at my cellphone for the exact time that I put in my 5 quarters. It was high noon. When I got my ticket, the time printed on it after which it expired was 12:52 p.m. - eight minutes short of an hour. That is almost half a cent a minute more than the published rate. I happened to take a lot more time at Benny's than I thought and got back to the car around 1:30 p.m. - there was no ticket. Effectively, this was almost a cent less a minute of the actual rate. Is there any enforcement? How often is this repeated day after day? How much revenue is lost? Attended parking would collect 100% of the parking fees and would be self-enforcing. Why is this consistently discounted as a way to collect parking money from the beach? Maybe just impose it for the upper lot?