...who seem to think that the City - employees, elected officials, Sheriff's Dept., etc. - is in the habit of making doing business in Lake Worth difficult for them for political or reasons other than through the normal course of business. This is in addition to the well-documented incident at Nature's Way with Commissioner Jennings, et al.
After hearing of the various incidents, I am usually asked, "What should we do?" There seems to be no where to turn for people and businesses that appear to be targets for city ire. Many have already met with the City Manager, representatives of the Sheriff and/or talked and met with a Commissioner or two. Generally, this generates a series of mixed results and usually ends up reverting to the same antagonistic behavior.
My suggestion is to document EVERYTHING. Every discussion, every letter or e-mail (instant way to document something), every incident that you think is suspicious or fits into a pattern of harassment. If you have a meeting with a city representative of any stripe, be sure you take someone with you so that they may corroborate what was said or what was agreed upon.
By gathering evidence and facts from enough incidents, we can start to show that there is a pattern of harassment. This will help later in proving that this is actually occurring - the media can then be alerted and become involved and other avenues can be pursued so that justice can eventually prevail.