On Tuesday, October 20th at 6 PM the Lake Worth City Commission will be voting to severely cut back the height limitations on ALL future buildings throughout the City. The Commission has proposed that no future buildings be any higher than 30 feet in most areas, no homes be higher than 2 stories anywhere in the City, and commercial areas, including Dixie Highway , Lake Worth Road and other commercial corridors, be limited to mostly 25 feet. The proposed height limits are shown in the chart below.
If you own property in the City of Lake Worth, such onerous restrictions will only serve to further erode your property's value, will limit your rights as a property owner, and will also limit future taxation opportunities for the City thereby leaving the entire onus of the tax burden on you, the existing residents and owners of property in Lake Worth. Aren't our taxes and other City fees high enough already??
These proposed changes, discussed in City documents as "EAR-Based Amendments" so that most residents and property owners won't realize what the Commission is proposing to do, will serve as a death sentence to most new development throughout the City and would even threaten the proposed Publix market building since it is submitted to be 48 feet in height.
If you care about Lake Worth , your property, its future value and/or the future of this promising City, please attend the Commission meeting on Tuesday, October 20th at 6 PM at City Hall and speak against this damaging proposal. Your help in this endeavor is sorely needed and will be most appreciated.