Lake Worth's 5TH Annual Hurricane Seminar will be held this Thursday, May 14, 2009 the Lake Worth Scottish Rite Masonic Temple, located at 2000 North D Street. The program begins at 7:00 p.m.
In addition to guest speaker WPTV Chief Meteorologist Steve Weagle, staff representatives from Lake Worth's Utilities, Public Services, Fire and Building departments will provide information on debris pickup, electric utility outage management, and outreach efforts as well as information on how to join Lake Worth's CERT team. Attendees will also hear from the Palm Beach County Sheriff's Office. Residents and business owners alike will learn how the City is ready to meet the citizenry's needs during times of emergency.
Lake Worth resident Kevin Addison has organized vendor exhibits and door prizes to be distributed through a raffle to event attendees.
For further information, contact Kevin Addison at 561-585-5313.