Sunday, April 12, 2009

Answers to un-asked questions re the beach?

These are different traffic circulation and parking scenarios as suggested my Michael Singer Studios. Again, these would be subject to change should the city elect to build a new casino building rather than re-do the old. No consideration for placement of a new building was part of their task.

This will be presented at the SURPRISE meeting on Monday at 5:30 p.m. I don't know if the city could really handle this much flexibility in traffic flow - I think just having the various options would usher in chaos. But, maybe that is what some elected officials want.

Where is the art in these plans? Didn't we hire Michael Singer Studios without competitively bidding the work because "No one could do what they do?" - Commissioner Cara Jennings. Look at the site plan again in the previous post on this meeting - is this plan worth $5 million of county money and additional city time and investment? Is it worth the time and $25,000 we paid to have them put this together? Does this entice the County Commission to allow us to keep the $5,000,000?

What will the site work cost?