Saturday, December 27, 2008

Rest and Relaxation

That's what the past few days have been about. This is the time of year that we all seem to take a breath and enjoy time with family and friends. We won't be having any city meetings until after the first of the year. In this down time, I have been preparing some items related to the beach and the new plan for the casino building. I'll be breaking them up into separate posts. One that I hope to get up tonight relates to the concepts of restoration, rehabilitation and re-construction. There are important distinctions between the three that seem to be getting lost in the discussion - and most likely on purpose. I will also be exploring the location of the casino building and the relationship of the property to the building. This will then lead into a look at setback issues and the Coastal Construction Control Line (CCCL).

I've also separated out the posts related to the Dredge and Fill project - being put forth by the Town of Palm Beach which is being fought by the city and the Surfrider Foundation -under "Topics - Dredge and Fill." Now, the "Beach" topic will group posts related to the city's beach property - period. By the way, after the posts on Commissioner Jennings, the "Beach" topic is the area of this blog that gets the most hits. This verifies what we already know...that the beach is an important aspect of our city, part of our identity and a piece of property that people feel passionate about.

Anyway, I hope you continue to enjoy this holiday season. Remember you can e-mail me anytime with questions or ideas for topics. If you happen to catch anything in a picture that you think others may be interested in, you can forward that to me as well.

Thanks for visiting - Let's all hope for a great 2009 for the City of Lake Worth!