...and he agreed about the commute and how he really doesn't like it. However, he did take exception to my expressed perception that he doesn't put in full work week and that he is inaccessible. He says that since the beginning he has come in early and gone home late to avoid rush hour, but still puts in a very full week. He also said that you can call his secretary to set up an appointment and that he will see you. He offered me the opportunity to meet with him, which I appreciate. He is preparing a report to be made sometime in January that will detail all the improvements undertaken with staff and procedures since he has been here. He has not tried to do anything fancy, just trying to make the basics work - cutting checks, etc. I told him that customer service is still sorely lacking and that I haven't seen any improvement there, especially in the building and utilities customer service areas. I also mentioned the "lesson in hieroglyphics" calendar that was distributed regarding our trash collection schedule. In response to what I wrote, I said that it was a shot across the bow, but that my perception is shared by a lot of others.
The one thing that bothered me about the call was Mr. Baldwin saying that he thought that I was one of the good citizens. I told him that I still consider myself a good citizen.
The tone of the conservation was low key and non-confrontational.
Anyway, thanks for the call and I will take you up on your invitation.