Saturday, October 18 2:00-6:00pm
It's all hands on deck! Polls show that we are very close to defeating Amendment 2 and we have less than 3 weeks to reach millions of Florida voters- and the time has come for everyone to step up!
This Saturday we'll be in your community and we need you to join us.
Click here to join your local team.
With less than 3 weeks until Election Day and early voting set to begin next Monday, Saturday is our best opportunity before November 4th to reach Florida voters with our message to vote NO on Amendment 2.
Join the Vote No on 2 Campaign and hundreds of other volunteers as we go door-to-door to inform voters about the dangers of Amendment 2, the so-called "Marriage Protection" Amendment. Water, snacks and campaign materials will be provided.
If you have a Vote No on 2 t-shirt, wear it! If not, please wear a plain white shirt and we will provide you with a sticker and/or pin.
Remember, in these last few precious days before the Election it is only your dedication and hard work that can lead us to victory. More and more Floridians understand that it is wrong to deny people the legal right to take care of their loved ones. They are no longer fooled by cynical political tactics that let bigotry be the means for an even more destructive end. Your conversations will keep the momentum moving in our direction and help us defeat this mean-spirited measure.
Time is running out, step up today!
Visit the web address below to tell your friends about this. |