Commissioner Jennings said that the referendum provision in the city's charter was very important. Mary Lindsey rightly pointed out that if it is so important, why did she vote for the day labor center at the shuffleboard court in violation of the zoning? Why didn't she push for that on the issue to be placed on the ballot? All good points. At the end, Cara seemed to not like being "critiqued" (her word). Then she told people to look at her voting record - where can one find that Commissioner Jennings? Do you have that on your website? Or should we call the clerk's office and ask her to compile all the votes from the previous two and a half years? If only it were that easy.
And a suggestion for forum organizers - please have a sign made that shows which district is which and place that in front or behind the three candidates in each race. I could follow who is runing for which seat, but I am not the typical Lake Worth resident. I think most people would wonder who is running against who - which is not helped by Jennings and Mulvehill not putting their district on their yard signs and perhaps other materials. In fact Commissioner Jennings door hanger passed out by Annbeth Karson last night mentions nothing about District #2 - not even in the disclaimer.
Here is a map of the commission districts in the city: