The pictures below show the lists of goals and priorities as prepared by staff ahead of the retreat. Board members were given stickers and asked to place the stickers by what they thought were the most important CRA priorities for the next year. Remember to click on the images for more detail:
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
From the CRA Retreat last Saturday - 8/9
Last Saturday members of the CRA were part of a retreat that took place at the Scottish Rite Masonic Center. All board members were present, with the exception of Brendan Lynch and Wayne Marcinkoski. We reviewed the state statue framework that enables Community Redevelopment Agencies and the CRA's by-laws. We also reviewed the state of Florida open meetings act and recent Attorney General opinions regarding Sunshine Law issues relating to electronic communications in the form of e-mails and websites. This will be the subject of a future, separate post.
The pictures below show the lists of goals and priorities as prepared by staff ahead of the retreat. Board members were given stickers and asked to place the stickers by what they thought were the most important CRA priorities for the next year. Remember to click on the images for more detail:

Once that task was completed we enjoyed a lunch provided by White Apron catering - which recently moved into the new building in the 1700 block of N. Dixie Hwy - and is also a CRA facade grant recipient. We were then able to discuss the priorities in more detail and add to items. This accumulated information will be presented at a future CRA meeting. Thanks to staff and all who attended for making the retreat such an interesting way to spend a Saturday morning!
The pictures below show the lists of goals and priorities as prepared by staff ahead of the retreat. Board members were given stickers and asked to place the stickers by what they thought were the most important CRA priorities for the next year. Remember to click on the images for more detail: