Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Quick up-date from last night's Commission meeting...

After much discussion, with a group of many from South J Street attending who were concerned about the violent crime in their neighborhood, the City will continue discussions with the Sheriff's office on takeover of the police duties in the City.

The ordinance regarding restricting the sale of alcohol from package stores was voted down.

Wayne Marcinkoski was retained as a member of the CRA. Wayne represented himself well before the Commission and explained each absence that led to his initial removal. The Commission directed that the ordinance regarding automatic dismissal from an advisory board be changed. Instead of the threshold having absences in excess of 25% of meetings over the past twelve months, the percentage was lowerd to 20% for regular meetings (excluding special meetings). More on this later.

Items on the consent agenda were approved, including the item related to Snook Islands and access improvements related to the project.