The Mayor e-mailed these to me this afternoon. The title of the document and the mention in the e-mail refers to 15 recommendations. By my count, it seems more like 45 recommendations. The article in the Post referred to a 13 page document and there are four pages here. The Mayor would like to not post these on the City's website prior to the recommendations being presented to the City Commission next Tuesday.
What's the big secret? I don't understand the reluctance to share
bona fide public information. It would be nice for the City to err on the side of being overly generous in determining what is for public consumption. Didn't we have a press conference on the steps of City Hall yesterday?
Anyway, here they are and you will likely not see them elsewhere until next Tuesday.

Let me know what you think of these. Remember, these are to be low or no cost options. Also, these are supposed to be recommendations for the City to implement, but there are many suggestions that may be carried out City-wide. For example, note the recommendation of a "Green" code enforcement officer.