This blog has been selected as part of a "beta" test for a new service. This allows viewers of the blog to call in questions, leave messages and then I can get back to you. All you need to do is click on the button that says, "Call Me!" on the right hand side of the page. You plug in your name (you can use your real name or not - your choice) and then put in your phone number. (If you would like your phone number to remain private, make sure that you click on the box in the lower left hand corner.) The service will call you at the phone number you leave. You'll hear my greeting and then you may leave a message.
I can then call you back and we can chat one-on-one, if you would like. Or, if you have a question that may interest others, I can answer it on the blog. There is also the ability to post the voice-mail that you leave as a player application in the blog so that others can hear it. Let me know if you want me to do that, otherwise it will remain private.