I thought that you'd be interested in seeing some statistics from this blog. The graphs below show the activity for the last 30 days (blue line), compared to the previous 30 days (green line). Note that there were 655 visits to this site over the past 30 days coming from 225 unique visitors.

The chart below shows the sources of traffic. Direct means that someone types in wesblackman.blogspot.com in the browser address window or has it as a bookmark. Search engines mean that they use a service like Google and type in "Wes Blackman" or "Lake Worth" in the search box. Referring sites mean that someone has a link on their site to this one. Almost 50% of the traffic here is direct traffic.

Below is a summary of the number of pages visitors look at while here. FYI: The most popular item of the blog is the "Beach" category. No surprise.

This is using the Google tracking software and web application. For some reason September numbers were unusually low and that was not reflected on my other tracking software. This month they seem to be more in sync.
Thanks for visiting and I hope what you find here is of interest.