Venus, I have always said, could easily become 500 pounds (an exaggeration) - Mars not as much. I currently give her a little over a cup of dry food a day based upon my veterinarian's recommendation. She does well on it and still has a little puppy fat. (Her real picture is below) Occasionally, I give both Mars and Venus a Milk Bone for a treat.
Well, today was a treat day. I threw a Milk Bone and it went behind the refrigerator. You know, Venus would not leave from in front of the refrigerator all day until I moved it and retrieved the Milk Bone. She did the same with an olive that fell behind the couch one day. If I leave the pantry door open (where their food is kept), even a little bit, she will stand guard until it's closed. Before the hurricanes, I had two prolific mango trees in my backyard. When they dropped, she was there and usually ate about a half dozen a day. If I'm not careful, they can be little vacuum cleaners when we go on our walks - half-eaten pizzas, fast food left overs thrown from vehicles - all fair game. Mars even ate a chunk of an iguana's tail (dead about 12 hours from the looks of it) when I wasn't looking.
When I first moved here, there was another Pembroke Welsh Corgi across the street - Yoda. He had an avocado tree in his backyard and was close to looking like the above picture during avocado season.
Anyway, make sure your pets get plenty of exercise and watch what they eat - little or no people food!